Are you good or are you evil?

There are many good people, but there are always some evil mixed in with them. Sometimes, evilness is hard to distinguish. But remember that being good pays off in the end!

That's what this quiz is about - Are you good, or are you evil? You probably know already. Sometimes it's obvious. But if you don't take this small quiz and see where you lie. Good?... or evil.

Created by: Thadster

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your worst enemy is tied to a pole, with a hungry looking bear coming at him. In the opposite direction, there are 100 dollars. You...
  2. You are seated next to the smartest guy in your math class. You forgot there was a test coming and didn't study. At all. You...
  3. You're walking along and see a dying bird. It looks like it ran into the window. You decide to...
  4. You hear gossip about someone you know, but don't really talk to much. He's kind of shy and moody. You...
  5. The devil comes and tells you that you can either save you're best friend's life, or be the filthy richest person on the planet, never get sick, and live for 100 years. You...
  6. If a genie gave you one of six wishes, what would you choose,
  7. Your best friend has a flu. Tonight, there's a movie at the theater that you both really want to see. So you...
  8. You are given the choice to save either your mother or father from death. You decide...
  9. Someone asks you to give them answers on their homework. You say,
  10. Last question - you are given the choice to save yourself, or you can save all your loved ones. You...

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Quiz topic: Am I good or am I evil?