Are you good looking in middle school

I made a thing. You showed me.That’s a different one. This one’s better.Ok i think they are both great.You made me like pandas.Hi.Hi and i guess your welcome pandas are great.Yeah, thanks I guess.Yeee.Yeee.What’re you doing? Sitting at my desk being lonley i spelled that wrong.How could you...not be lonely?Umm good question.Im bored though Is there an answer though?No.Having someone to talk to in person would make most people...not bored. Yeah i know but theres nothing to talk about like ever.And i dont have homework or anything and i just want to do work...ughYou want to do work?Yes i like doing school work.Omg i have two dimples!You looking in a mirror or something?yeah.You seem excited about them.No i hate my dimple, i knew i had one ive had it my whole life but now i have two ugh.Dang, I don’t really know how to help. They’re kinda stuck there.Lol yeah i knowI don’t know how I just realized this, but did I start the space between every sentence thing? I don’t know.No i did.Okay then.When are you going to work on your story?When i exit homework all the time and always thinking of two people than i will work on my story i just have way to much on my plate.Are two people annoying you or something?No.Am I aloud to know what you mean then? No its personal i would normally tell you but its really personalOkay, I won’t ask then.Do you have nothing to do? No.Hmm...I don’t know then. Me neither.Hmmmmmmmmmmm…You could make another quiz…?But what should it…

par·a·graphDictionary result for paragraph/perraf/Submitnoun1.a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering."the concluding paragraph"synonyms:section, subdivision, part, subsection, division, portion, segment, bit, passage, clause Moreverb1.arrange (a piece of writing) in paragraphs."his style deploys a lack of conventional paragraphing"

Created by: Dazzleflower
  1. Do you have acne?
  2. Do you wear glasses?
  3. Do you think you look good?
  4. What do you normally wear?
  5. How is your hair?
  6. Do you have braces?
  7. Do you have dimples?
  8. Do guys/girls think you are cute
  9. Do you ever look in the mirror and just say you are ugly p.s your not.
  10. Do you like this quiz btw?

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Quiz topic: Am I good looking in middle school
