Are you good friend with Savannah

Are YOU my FRiend??? Find out now!!! This is a test to see how good of a friend you are to meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hopefully you know me well!!!! :) OKOKOKO

I´ll give you a hint... I LOVE Harry Potter!!! I also love math!!! also do a lot of sports!!! hopefull you get the right!!! GOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

Created by: bob
  1. What is her fav color?
  2. What college does she want to go to?
  3. What is my Favorite restraunt?
  4. What house am I in?
  5. How many siblings do I have?
  6. Out of the following what is my favorite food?
  7. What are my average grades?P.S on my report card
  8. What is my favorite HP Charcter.
  9. What period is my fav?

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Quiz topic: Am I good friend with Savannah

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