are you good at making decisions?

there are s many smart people, but few good decision makers.good decision maker is someone that is super good at making right decisions that fit them or what is happening.

are YOU a good decision maker? do you have the smarticles to win this? intil now you could only wonder. but thanks to me in a few minutes all your dreams of kowing this will come true.

Created by: dahlilah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like pie?
  2. do you like cats or dogs?
  3. have you taken the quiz to find out if you are a gabby or a sierra?
  4. if you said yes then choose what you got? hint 50- u r a sierra 50+ you are a gabby
  5. r u in a relationship?
  6. do you like school?
  7. about how many friends do you have?
  8. c4n y0u r34d 7h18?
  9. poop or pee?
  10. which out of these is your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: Am I good at making decisions?