Are you good at basketball?

Welcome to my quiz, where you will find out if your basketball skills are exquisite. There is also basketball trivia in there, too. Please enjoy, and give this quiz a smiley face.

Are you good? Bad? In between? Find out here if you exaggerate your skills, or underestimate yourself.And how do you feel about basketball trivia? Have fun, and give a smile face!

Created by: SJ
  1. Can you cross dribble?
  2. What is your score record in a row?/how many have you ever scored in a row?
  3. What are the defensive players called?
  4. Who are the shortest but quickest people?
  5. Who are/is the best dribbler and passer?
  6. What gender are you?
  7. Age?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. On the last question there was not a “no” option!
  10. Enjoy your results!

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Quiz topic: Am I good at basketball?
