Are You Good At Agario?

What is a pro. A pro is what you call a player or a person who has a bunch of practice and are pretty good at it also know as experience. Is pretty easy .

Are you a pro at this topic ? Find out if your a pro in agaric on this test . You better be one or you need practice find out in this amazing test of mine?

Created by: Ender
  1. What do you call your ball?
  2. What is the green thing that explodes you?
  3. How do you use the green thing?
  4. What does the virus do in experimental?
  5. How do you shoot mass?
  6. Which mode can you team in with a friend?
  7. What happens when you team in ffa?
  8. What is the leaderboard?
  9. What is the tiny things you eat on the grid?
  10. Hardest one do you like agario.

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