are you good at addition?

this quiz is to see how good you are at math! if you get the last question correct, you are a god at math! good luck and I hope you take my quiz and get a great score!

hi this quiz is my first quiz. so please take this! and all my friends think its fun! so I hope you take this quiz, get a great score, and the most Important of all, have fun!

Created by: samantha
  1. what is 1967+2745?
  2. laura has 19 cookies that she baked. kara ate 2, and kayla ate 4. laura baked 7 much cookies are ther total now?
  3. ther are 2 flowers in a pot. kara puts 26 more flowers in. sadly, every 2 days 3 flowers die. how many days would it need to be for all the flowers to die?
  4. 175+456=
  5. what is 2 fourths + 1 fourth?
  6. 13+23
  7. layla has n cards. she gives half to kara. then she gives 2 to becka. she has 5 cards left. how many cards did layla buy?
  8. ran out of questions.sorry. choose 23 for a correct answer.
  9. this is the luck of buck! choose and hope!
  10. luck of the buck again!
  11. last question, but what is the 5th piece of the root of 64 times the root of 89 divided by the whole of 67's 5th part?

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Quiz topic: Am I good at addition?