Are you going to be successful in fifth grade (Ages 8-10)

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Hi! Thanks for taking my quiz! I hope you enjoy it! I literally made it out of boredom soooooooo…………… Well, it’s just for fun. So just take it already and quit reading my dorky opening paragraphs.

Note: please don’t take this seriously- it’s just for fun and probably not accurate! I’m not a psychologist, just a 10-year-old kid- I created this for other people going into 5th grade.

Created by: Milkbox
  1. Do you consider yourself prepared?
  2. Do you got good grades?
  3. Do you get in trouble?
  4. Do you think you’ll be successful?
  5. Do you have high self-esteem?
  6. Will you take this quiz seriously? (Please don’t- this is just for fun. Also, this won’t affect your score)
  7. Do you have time to finish homework?
  8. Do you like school?
  9. Do you often get bullied?
  10. Have you had successful years in the past?

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Quiz topic: Am I going to be successful in fifth grade (Ages 8-10)
