are you going crazy?

there are many people who think that they are crazy but few that actually are. crazy is, after all, quite exceptional. what is a crazy person? someone who has a different mind.

are YOU going crazy? are you REALLY insane? if i tested your brain would you come out insane? until now you could only wonder. but thanks to this quiz, you can figure it out!!!

Created by: Rainey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. BOO!!!!!! im evil spirit Rainey who represents the element of water! im gonna kill you!
  2. are you that kind of person who can see ghosts? (note: ghosts ARE real but, most people do not believe that...)
  3. what fairy tale can you best relate your life to?
  4. how often do you have thoughts of suicide?
  5. can you control element(s)?
  6. are you alive?
  7. how often do you have hollusinations? like, when u see things that aint there.
  8. how long have you been on goto quiz throughout your lifetime?
  9. do you think you are going crazy?
  10. bye.....

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Quiz topic: Am I going crazy?