Are you girly or a tom-boy

What many people seek to know... I know! What are you? Are you truley what you think you are? You have questions and I have answers so take my quiz to seek the answer.

Are you girly or tom-boy? Do you know for sure? I do! So take my quiz to find out! You know you want to... nobody is stopping you. So go ahead... try it!

Created by: Meggie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to shop?
  2. Sports are...
  3. My friends are
  4. My perfect day is
  5. I love
  6. Do you love boys
  7. My favorate pet is
  8. I have ______ friends
  9. I am
  10. What does "upidsay" mean?

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Quiz topic: Am I girly or a tom-boy