Are You Genderfluid?

Alright, so I am a genderfluid individual and I made a quiz to try to help out other persons that may be having the same kinds of question I did. That being "Am I gender fluid?"

So let's get started shall we?Remeber that you do not need to base your gender off of this test and their is no rush to label yourself either. Do your research and with time you'll figure it out. Much love ;3

Created by: Sil
  1. Do you somtimes feel odd about certain parts of your body? (eg. Breasts, thighs gentitals etc.) Prefering one thing then hours/days later you prefer something else?
  2. Does the way others percive you somtimes cause you to not partake in social events/ uncomfortable at school/work?
  3. Do you somtimes feel uncomfortable with the pronouns that persons call you and would prefer to be called somthing else, but then your mind changes and likes it later on?
  4. Were there any points in your life growing up where you felt like you hated traditionally masc/fem things or family members labeling certain actions/ items to be for only one sex?
  5. Have you / do you aim/aimed to look more androgynous?
  6. Have you ever thought that you might have been transgender or nonbinary because you somtimes feel like more or a boy/girl/inbetween but because you somtimes felt fine with your gender assigned at birth you dismissed the idea?
  7. Do you become uncomfortable with words such as being called a "King/Queen" or "Husband/boyfriend, Wife/girlfriend" and would prefer being called the other or neither at all at times?
  8. As a child did puberty cause any kind of emtional distress?(because you started getting more defined features/ family members seemed to be pushing some of their ideals onto you)
  9. Have you ever felt jealous towards persons that have been able to express their own gender identitiy in ways that you feel you cannot?
  10. Do you feel like you secretly already know that you are not cis gender but you're in denile because of the people around you or it may be against your surrounding religious beleifs and you are hoping that you are wrong?

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Quiz topic: Am I Genderfluid?
