Are you gay or not???

If you think your gay because you watched the same gender as you take a shower??? Take this quiz, and if your lucky, You'l only be gay by one point. IF your lucky.

IF your pretty sure that you NOT gay, but want to make sure, take this quiz and find out!!! Trust us , we created this quiz, And the Matrix,X rated. HAHA!!!! JUST KIDDING, YOU KNOW ABOUT THE HOLE, YOU KNOW, X RATED THING,( COUGH COUGH)

Created by: Alex
  1. Have you ever had a sudden urge to peek in the bathroom while the same gender is takeing a shower?
  2. Do you like to peek in the opposite gender's locker room at school?
  3. Do you like to peek in the opposite gender's locker room at school?
  4. Have you ever flirted with the same gender???
  5. Have you ever flirted with the same gender MORE than once?
  6. Have you ever flirted with the OPPOSITE gender?
  7. If your a guy, and a girl ASKED you if another guy is hot, what would you say???
  8. If the Same gender ASKED you to a date, what would be your answer be???
  9. if your a dude, and a chick asked you to prom, what would you say???
  10. After prom, do you go home and watch Full Monty??? If you don't know what it is, kneel down and THANK THE LORD!!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I gay or not???