Are you ganster or a buster?

This is a quize where I have accurately judged whether you are a gangster or a buster,I have made it as accurate as possible and don't be offended if you are rated as a buster

I've put a few questions that have some of my fav gta characters from my childhood.Enjoy ,share it ,like it and comment please this my first quiz so I wanna see how it goes.

Created by: Michael
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a piece?
  2. What I do when I roll up to a red light in my ride and a rival gang car drives past but they don't see me and my homie/s
  3. What piece do you have
  4. What ride do you have
  5. How many gangsters do you know?
  6. What music do you listen to?
  7. Did you play gta as a kid or as an adult?
  8. Do you have a girlfriend/wife
  9. Do you have a girlfriend/wife
  10. Do you're homies have respect
  11. Do you think you're a Gangster
  12. Who is the best gangster?
  13. What are you most likely to do in you're back yard?

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Quiz topic: Am I ganster or a buster?