Are you fun to be with?

How will you ever know if you are a fun person to be with??? Well if you take this quiz you will find out! Are you fun??? Are you boring??? Do people enjoy your company???

Taking this quiz will make you realize open your eyes and see yourself in a hole new way! How do others see you do you wear fun clothes do you make funny jokes???

Created by: candace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather eat ice cream or a coffee?
  2. Fav color?
  3. What do you do for fun?
  4. what do u eat for breakfast!
  5. whats ur fav song?
  6. What do u think on girls/guys
  7. What do you think on school?
  8. Fav animal?
  9. R u pretty/handsome
  10. Did u enjoy?

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Quiz topic: Am I fun to be with?