Are you from Ohio?

This is a quiz that will determine how much of an Ohioan you are. The questions that follow will test your knowledge of how a true Ohioan would act in certain situations.

Answer the questions honestly and you will see if you are a true Ohioan or a person that lives in another area. Good luck on the Are you from Ohio quiz!

Created by: Landen Kreusch
  1. Can you drive 20 miles without seeing corn?
  2. Do you drink pop or soda?
  3. What do you do if someone yells O-H?
  4. What are your thoughts on the Pittsburgh Steelers?
  5. How is the transition from fall to winter?
  6. How would you describe the beaches from your state?
  7. What is your ideal fast food restaurant?
  8. Which state does Ohio have a rivalry with?
  9. Is the buckeye a nut or a cookie?
  10. Do you know a farmer?

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Quiz topic: Am I from Ohio?
