Are you friends or BFFs?

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Friends are great! But did you ever wonder if you have a BEST friend? Specifically a bestie? Well wonder no more, for this quiz has the answer you seek...

Take at your own risk................ But don't say I didn't warn you! I hope you leave this quiz with a most satisfactory answer.... IF YE SURVIVE....

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. Do you make fun of your friend?
  2. Do you know your friend inside and out?
  3. Would you die for them?
  4. How long have you been friends?
  5. Are you ever jealous of them?
  6. Does it worry you when your friend hangs out with other people?
  7. Is there a secret you haven't told them?
  8. What do you think?
  9. You get a call from your friend saying they have something they NEED to tell you right in the middle of class, what do you do?
  10. Do you know you're friends worst fear?

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Quiz topic: Am I friends or BFFs?
