Are you for or against having a cat for president of the United S

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Hi I know you think this quiz might sound stupid but to be honest it's just a quiz to have fun. It was fun to create and I hope it will be just As fun to take it.

This quid is great for creative people it will only be fun unless you don't take things to seriously. So have fun and remember be creative!!!!!!!!! (\/) (•.•) C(")(")

Created by: McKenzie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like cats????
  2. Have you ever had a cat?
  3. Do you like our current prez
  4. Who would you vote for a cat or a dog????
  5. Is cat woman your fav super hero
  6. What would you name you cat
  7. Hi hehehe
  8. Did you like the test
  9. I have no more questions.>.
  10. Oh wait thought of one ok here it is: What kind of pet do you have

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Quiz topic: Am I for or against having a cat for president of the United S