Are you fit to become a medicine cat ?

This is not a usual Whitewhirl quiz as it only has one answer . If you don't want to become a medicine cat then don't do this if you do . Please enjoy .

The first paragraph says it all so I am just typing until I can stop . What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet ? Supplies. Hahaha . I think that that joke was quite funny now lets begin .

Created by: Whitewhirl
  1. R.P. You and your mentor are walking along when you see your mentor step on a thorn . She squeals and you smell the wound . It smells fishy . What does that mean ?
  2. Sorry . I'm your mentor Whitewhirl and I'm giving you a quiz . Right , and elder has a broken bone . What herb do you use ?
  3. What herbs do you use to help (a) queen produce milk and (b) dry up milk ?
  4. What herb do you use to help breathing ?
  5. Which herb is used to end a cat's life if they are suffering to much ?
  6. Which herbs cover the scent of death ?
  7. Which herb makes a cat vomit ?
  8. Which herb helps if a cat has swallowed something poisonous ?
  9. What is Alder bark used for ?
  10. What do apprentices use on elders ticks ?

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Quiz topic: Am I fit to become a medicine cat ?
