are you finding urself to be StoopId

are you finding yourself to be stupid? well this quiz will help you. with a variety of questions. this quiz will provide an accurate answer. watch out for trick questions though. i have provided explanations to all the questions except one. hope you enjoy. hint first yes!

my quiz is not responsible for crying, pouting, shouting or any other issue. this quiz is for fun. don't take the comments at the end about your score seriously its for laughs and gags only. have fun and remember don't be stupid!

Created by: sydney
  1. what is Australia
  2. what is the capitol of Australia
  3. do you feel stupid
  4. most popular fish name
  5. do you like this quiz so far
  6. the color blue is
  7. terrorist attack on twin towers
  8. raise your hand if im stupid
  9. if you end up being stupid will you tell your friends
  10. what does perspicacious mean
  11. which is the correct spelling of the word in Mary Poppins

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Quiz topic: Am I finding urself to be StoopId