Are you fat quiz? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you fat quiz?
Why are you all freaking out over 95 to 101 pounds at 14?!?! I'm 14 and I weigh like 135 pounds and I believe that's fine. All of our bodies are still growing and trying to find our bodies perfect size so just stay calm. All of my friends are like 19 to 15 pounds less than me but that's fine. Just don't any of you start going anorexic or something. If your still freaking out eat healthy food with your meals. Salad, vegatables and fruits. That will help you keep a good look at yourself. I mean I play basketball and do like 7 suiside drills almost everyday. I'm being healthy, my body just has to catch up with me. It's the same for everyone else. Be proud of yourself and don't let anything get to you
Your Result: Obese
100%Your life has been ruined by being obese. You are dangerously overweight. Lose weight, but you already have fat cells that don't go away easily. This could lead to surgery or even death. Go on a diet!
85% Overweight
0% Normal -
Your Result: Obese
Your life has been ruined by being obese. You are dangerously overweight. Lose weight, but you already have fat cells that don't go away easily. This could lead to surgery or even death. Go on a diet!
Im the same
Are you fat quiz?
Your Result: Obese 91%Your life has been ruined by being obese. You are dangerously overweight. Lose weight, but you already have fat cells that don't go away easily. This could lead to surgery or even death. Go on a diet!
77% Overweight
Swws1 -
Your Result: Obese 95%
Your life has been ruined by being obese. You are dangerously overweight. Lose weight, but you already have fat cells that don't go away easily. This could lead to surgery or even death. Go on a d
Skiess, 87 pounds for an 11 year old girl is fine. I have a 12 year old daughter who is 5ft tall and she weighs 89.5 pounds. That's a 17.4 BMI score which is normal weight. I'm sure it's fine. A BMI range for a healthy girl your daughter's age is about 14.4 - 20.9, and hers is about 17.6, which is a normal healthy weight. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Hope I helped!
Lean,I have always been on the slender side but I actually do have anorexia. Anorexia just isn't about calories it's also the mental health aspect and other symptoms to like compulsive excersise,low heart rate,etc.
Zimswife1 -
you fat quiz?
Your Result: Obese 78%Your life has been ruined by being obese. You are dangerously overweight. Lose weight, but you already have fat cells that don't go away easily. This could lead to surgery or even death. Go on a diet!
Sws20251 -
I am 158 cm and 6 stones, I'm a 13 year old girl. I know I'm not fat but I feel like my legs are fat for me. All my friends are so skinny and some are just a little bigger than me but they aren't fat and I just want you all to know your perfect the way you are but if your uncomfortable you change something.
I'm 11 going 12 on Friday and I'm kinda starting to get a bit concerned on my weight. for the quiz I got normal but I don't think it's true like I'm quite skinny in the waist but when it comes to my legs, oh boy I don't even have a thigh gap! I'm 122 pounds is that fat like I'm not obese well at least I think I'm not
That is perfectly healthy you should be even the slightest bit concerned
Overweight, 84%. I should probably get out.
but being chubby is good!
guys i thin i'm chubby i'm 12 and i'm 112 pounds an i want to loose weight
BTW is it normal to play with your fat on your stomach because I do and i kinda like it.
I know i'm fat can someone help me please
user101 -
Okay for all of the 14 yr olds, stop saying your fat. THAT IS NOT FAT! im almost 12 and weigh like 106 pounds! Im serious. And my mom was 87 pounds when she graduted....... HIGH SCHOOL!! But please stop saying your fat.
Some of u guys are saying your fat for a 14 year old, 6 stone but I'm almost double that I'm 11 stone and I'm 14 years old. You guys are not fat I would kill to have the weight any day !!!!
I am 106 pounds 5'2 and 14 I am a girl. Is this underweight?? I feel really skinny and I've been getting hurt easier so do you think that this is a healthy weight?
i ALWAYS get called skinny but my brothers call me fatty, all the quizzes iv don say i am skinny but i just dont belive it p.s i weigh 4 stone i am 10yrs old i wear size xxs pants i have friends that weigh 5 stone or 8 stone but all the same age though............. .....
if I'm 12 and i am 112 pounds am i normal because i think i'm chubby can someone please tell me i want to loose weight so if someone can help me please say so.
user101 -
I love Justin Bieber!
Its been 8 years, do you still love him?
I got lean.... half anorexic.... half normal
One.... I am NOT skinny at ALL. I am so freaking fat it's not even funny.... freaking 14 and I weigh a stupid 95 pounds....... and 5'6".... obese..... this is sad.....
goo d quiz..... too bad i got the wrong answer........
Eminart1 -
great quiz! very accurateThadster1 -
Anorexic... maybe you're right.
Alethea1 -
I am 95 pounds and 12 Yeats old and I am 5'0 I don't think I am overweight,?
katiemay1 -
I am 12 years old and we 87 pounds. Am I over weight?
Khama1 -
I am 13 years old and I am 9 stones or 132 weight. Am I fat?