Are you FAT or WHAT? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you FAT or WHAT?

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  • Result: Immobile, or no limit 90%

    If you got this result, you definitely are a feeder! You want a girl, who is first chubby, or plump. Then you feed her so much food, that she soon becomes obese. You love her being obese, and you are already proud of how fat you fed your girl, but you enjoy feeding your girl too much. The fatter she gets, the more beautiful she becomes. So you keep on (force)feeding her, and many calories later, you decide it's easier for your girl to stay in bed, while you bring her all the food. She becomes too fat to get out of bed. This is the right opportunity for both of you, to feed her even fatter then she already is! You like to feed your girl until she becomes immobile, beyond! Too fat to do anything and completely dependent to you, her feeder!

    The first time
  • Result: Morbidly Obese 96%

    Good Lord. Fat peeps are cool, but you are just gross. Sorry if I offended you but... Why do some people get this way? If you do manage to lose weight, then don't feel pressured to be aneroxic, just stop at a pleasant plumness.

    48% Fat

  • Result: Morbidly Obese 96%

    Good Lord. Fat peeps are cool, but you are just gross. Sorry if I offended you but... Why do some people get this way? If you do manage to lose weight, then don't feel pressured to be aneroxic, just stop at a pleasant plumness.

    48% Fat

    The first time
  • Im 93% fat. Very accurate as I am unbelievably fat and getting fatter.

    Fattening up
  • 14%. I'm not underweight, I don't think. If you think a 13 year old weighing 110 pounds is underweight, then idk.

  • 84% i was hoping to be at least over 90 since i have a belly fetish. i like squishing my belly and holding it so it was kind of insulting for a quiz to tell me that i needed to lose weight

    faith webb
  • 27% fat. Pretty accurate! I like this quiz! ;)

  • 22% fat dont believe this feel fatter than that

    Think Im over weight

  • I’m 60% fat... I kinda like it

    Tiffany Turtle

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