Are You Fat Or Skinny?

Are you fat or skinny? Test your scores here! (actually works) .........................................................................................................

yeah. test here. like it seriously works..............................................................................................................

Created by: winstonsamson24
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you order something healthy once in a while?
  2. do you try and hit the gym sometimes?
  3. When you look in the mirror do you run in horror screraming IM SO FAT!!!
  4. what is your favorite food?
  5. do some people look at you and whisper? and when you look at them to they say, "OMG GODZILLA IS LOOKING AT US!! RUNNNNNN!!!"?
  6. extra question
  7. extra question
  8. extra question (dont worry these questions dont affect your results)
  9. extra question
  10. extra question

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Quiz topic: Am I Fat Or Skinny?