Are you fat? (8 - 12 year-old girls)

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Hi! I decided to write this quiz so I could meet a the other fatties in the world because I couldn't find any. I'm overweight and obsessed with being fat.

Have a great time doing the quiz getting traumatised, gaining weight then having to lose all the weight. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the I'm fat quiz! :)

Created by: Amy
  1. How old are you?
  2. When you stand up and look down (no bending over) what can you see?
  3. Do you think you are fat?
  4. If you lie on your back and look towards your feet, what do you see?
  5. How many stomach rolls do you have?
  6. How much fat can you grab from your belly?
  7. Do you have a muffin top?
  8. Do your friends think your fat?
  9. how many meals do you eat?
  10. If you slap your stomach what happens?
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I fat? (8 - 12 year-old girls)

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