Are You Fake Or Not

There are people who don't know who they are. That's fine this world is about learning who we are we will never be the same. It doesn't matter if your facts or not it's learning about who you are

Do you know who you are? That's fine your human. Take this test to figure out how confident you are. And how real you are to yoursel. Or are you fake

Created by: Nickel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you act around your friends?
  2. How do you dress?
  3. Do you gossip?
  4. Do you like your body
  5. Are you honest?
  6. You personality?
  7. Do you like your friends?
  8. How many people you've dated
  9. What concision would you donate to
  10. Would you rate this test

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Quiz topic: Am I Fake Or Not