Are you Emo or a poser

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People think emo is self harm and stuff like that but it is not. So I made the quiz to help them find out. And yes this is by a emo. If you have a proble with that sorry

Emo is a catering type we are tire to our inner self. And sorry if the quiz is off some but it's hard to match with out seeing and hearing from you hope you like it

Created by: Morgan
  1. What does emo mean
  2. What type of music do you like
  3. What do you think you are
  4. What is your fav coler
  5. Why are you takeing this
  6. What do you think of music
  7. Fav band
  8. Do you have friends
  9. What type of friends
  10. What do you do on spare time

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Quiz topic: Am I Emo or a poser