Are you emo? by a miserable emo

Yes,I'm emo.Does it matter?Yes it does.Emos have miserable lives.We say life has no hope and that we are hopeless.We cut ourselves and say the world doesn't need us and that we don't deserve to be alive.These things are not stupid.They are very important.If you think you might be emo,take the quiz.

These Scars(a short song i made) As the blood runs down my wrist,i stare Why?Just why?These scars make them care But do they care?No.These scars,misery I'm hopeless,loveless,miserable.It's unfair These scars,misery.This misery,horror These scars,these scars,horrible scars they are. They make others come and stare. It's horrible misery for me. This horror,not fun. I'm hopeless,loveless,careless,miserable These scars,these scars,the scars on me Horrible,miserable scars As I watch in disbelief,those scars haunt me

Created by: EmoGirlFang
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite color/s?
  2. Your hobby?
  3. CANDY!
  4. Your boyfriend breaks up with you. What do you do?
  5. Your reading a book and your favorite character dies. What do you do?
  6. Your pet dies,what do you do?
  7. How would your friends describe you?
  8. Your tv breaks, what do you do?
  9. Your mother grounds you for a month, what do you do?
  10. Do you think your emo?

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Quiz topic: Am I emo? by a miserable emo