Are You Emo????

Emos are probably the most hated. They are the most hated because all they care about is the attention. They don't have a lot of friends and are very self-conscious. But either self harm or think about suicide most of them never really do it because they know they never could but talk about it all the one on Tumblr

If your emo you might not be that bad. But most emos really suck. If you're good if you're Emo be proud of it unless people hate you for it. I really don't know why the hell this needs to be so long If your emo don't kill yourself unless you're emo boiiiiii

Created by: Tiffany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you self-diagnosed yourself with a mental illness?
  2. Do you feel the need to have something special about you to stand out? Even thought it might not be true?
  3. Have you ever self-harmed or thought about doing it?
  4. Do you go out of your way to be an outcast?
  5. What gender are you?
  6. What sexuality are you?
  7. Do you have low self esteem?
  8. What ethnicity are you?
  9. What's your style?
  10. Have your parents/guardian taken you to a therapist?
  11. If you could dye your hair whatever you want, what color?
  12. Out of these options who are you?
  13. How emo would you describe yourself?
  14. Do you have a tumblr?
  15. Are you a feminist?
  16. Are you trans/non bianary
  17. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Emo????