Are you easy to deceive?

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You might be thinking my question for you is quit silly. You might also be thinking quizzes are for the elderly. But you will change your mind once you play this test!

Do you think you are smarter then a computer?well let us see. you might think you are dumb but this quiz will find that answer for you.And now I'd like to say thanks for taking this quiz

Created by: Esther Tagoe
  1. Theres a bear outside!someone tells you. what do you do?
  2. Lets have a party,shes not here..says your arch enemie.What will you do?
  3. The bedbugs ll get u says mom. what is ur reaction?
  4. I'm sick says ur cousin.u know she's lying.what will u do?
  5. you hear a big lie.Reaction?
  6. u read a quiz that says u'll die
  7. I hate u!!
  8. I can balance 100 chocolates on my nose
  9. tomorrow is no school
  10. I'm going out! [there is not a door]

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Quiz topic: Am I easy to deceive?