Are you dumb????

Do you want to know if you are dumb? hope so! that's what this test is for! trust me, this will be SO easy! i made them REALLY SUPER easy, so no need to worry.

Get ready to take the worlds easiest quiz! this test has the easiest questions you'll ever be asked. this is a scale to 0 - 100% i hope you do good!

Created by: Mrs.Sparrow
  1. What is 1 + 1?
  2. what is 8 + 8?
  3. When are you a teenager?
  4. What day is thanksgiving?
  5. Charlie...?
  6. What is 6 + 4?
  7. Edward...
  8. Tell me what a cat is?
  9. What are you doing right now?
  10. are you human

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Quiz topic: Am I dumb????