Are you dominant or submissive?

Are you a leader or a follower? Find out now!! Take my quiz and discover your type. This description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create it, hints at the possible outcomes, and so on. Please use good English, no net-speak (such as ur, b4, luv, etc), and put some effort into it.

Maybe you're a leader, maybe you do what others tell you...Find out right here...Right now!! This description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create it, hints at the possible outcomes, and so on. Please use good English, no net-speak (such as ur, b4, luv, etc), and put some effort into it.

Created by: cori
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you tend to open doors for the person you like/love?
  2. In a relationship, do you tend to put your arm around your partner and/or lead them?
  3. What's your fave color?
  4. Who is your favorite singer/band?
  5. What do you do when something rocks your world?
  6. Be honest: Have you told the person you like that you do?
  7. What name descibes you best?
  8. The quiz is almost ready?
  9. JK...Not done yet!!! Do you hate me?
  10. Is the person you like seem dominant or submissive?

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Quiz topic: Am I dominant or submissive?