Are you desirable?

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Find out how desirable you actually are! ;) What is a truly desirable woman nowadays, with the online world and the real world tugging and all these "ideals" out there...

Are you desirable? People are polite and they could tell you that you're a totally babe, just to not burn any bridges, so...How can you know what they really think about you? Answer these questions as best as you can, and find out!

Created by: Pro Gamer of RS3
(your link here more info)
  1. How old are you?
  2. How much makeup do you wear?
  3. What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
  4. What level are you in an MMORPG?
  5. Do you live with your boyfriend?
  6. How do you respond to people online?
  7. Do you trust guys in the MMORPG that you play?
  8. Are you rich?
  9. Do you like to party?
  10. Do you think that you're desirable?

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Quiz topic: Am I desirable?