Are you depressed?

if you're wondering if your depressed take this test! ( if your actually wondering please get help or you dont have to its your choice) well have fun!

If your honestly wondering if you're depressed please get help and talk to someone dont wait for it to get worse just because you dont feel like its bad enough to get help.

Created by: no
  1. Do you cry yourself to sleep every night?
  2. Do you randomly space out for long periods of time during the day?
  3. Are you motivated to do anything or are you always sleeping?
  4. Are you taking care of yourself? (brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, showering, etc)
  5. Are you eating and drinking water?
  6. Are you sad?
  7. do you want to die
  8. are you going to kill yourself
  9. please dont kill yourself!!

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed?
