Are you cute, ugly, pretty, or beautiful?

This is my third quiz. My first was Are you fat or average. Second: How much do you know about dogs? I hope this one turns out ok. Please enjoy. It is basically what it says: are you cute, ugly, pretty, or drop dead gorgeous? Take this to fine out!

Now if you get ugly, I swear i did not rigg this quiz, i promise. What the world considers ugly may not be what i consider ugly, so if you do get it, you're probably not, don't take this seriously, its just a game! I'm sure you're an awesome person anyway!

Created by: Jade Winters
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Just cuz I'm curious, what's your favorite color?
  2. Hair color?
  3. Body type?
  4. Tell me, which best describes you? Be honest, please!
  5. Facial markings. I'm talking moles. Got any? Where?
  6. Hair type?
  7. Hair length?
  8. Body shape? Be honest!
  9. Nails?
  10. What is your style?
  11. Do you wear glasses?
  12. Do you have freckles? If so, wher?
  13. Do you have braces?
  14. Well, thanks for taking this quiz! Have a great day!
  15. One more thing...
  16. Ahh! Oh no! My Falafadoodles spoiled and they LIVE! They eat my face and toes! Mrraaahhh!

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Quiz topic: Am I cute, ugly, pretty, or beautiful?