Are you cute or not?

Thanks for doing this WEIRD BORING test:) im glad u ummm... whatever don't know what to say!BYE! have a great day. I don't know what to say ugh so have a great day all!

hey yo geniouse lol dunno what to saaay whoop haloo I will talk german:) im learning it.. just a beginner hallo ich bin Mariam. ch bin glí¼cklich :)lol tschí¼ss! danke:)

Created by: Mariam
  1. Your favorite color
  2. what do you like wearing
  3. what's your room color
  4. favorite foods/drinks
  5. most thing you say
  6. favorite movie/tv show
  7. do you like lalaloopsy
  8. how do you greet
  9. choose the first answer
  10. Honestly ,do you think you're cute?

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Quiz topic: Am I cute or not?