are you creepy?

Have you ever wondered what the others see when they look at you? Have you ever wondered if you are scary to them? this is the quiz for you then! check it out!!

it took me 10 minutes to make this quiz. if you want to make your own quiz, go to create a quiz and just let your imagination do its work. thanks you for using this website.

Created by: theinveiler
  1. A bully hits you and he pushed you that hard that you fall. what do you do?
  2. You are in a party. your friends (3 friends) cant afford to buy a drink (costs 2$ per one) and if they don't buy something, they get kicked out of the place. you have 6$. what do you do?
  3. (should be first question) what is your age?
  4. You walk into the forest with your friend. you hear a weird creepy sound. what do you do?
  5. did you like this quiz?
  6. have you stared at someone for a long time?
  7. well i guess question number 5 made you think that it was the end of the quiz...
  8. well bye then
  9. oups one more?
  10. byebye (for real)

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Quiz topic: Am I creepy?
