Are you crazy or nice

this quiz is about if you are good or bad mean or nice take it to find out how nice or mean you are in this fun exciting quiz about you and your personality

this very cool quiz is cool and good to take you should take the quiz dude nice or mean you are in this fun exciting quiz about you and your personality

Created by: benos
  1. you see someone crying do you...
  2. someone pushes you and says your not popular
  3. you have two ice cream cones one you got for free
  4. someone give you a pencil do you...
  5. your on the computer in a chat room and someone send you a message saying "your worthless you suck
  6. some one is bullying you, do you...
  7. the teacher calls on you in school to answer a question do you...
  8. the teacher calls on you in school to answer a question do you...
  9. someone steals your lunch money do you...
  10. your playing dodge ball and you hit someone and they dont go out do you...

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy or nice
