Are you crazy??????

Being crazy is a good thing. It means you're funny and you have a sense of humour. Being normal is bad. It means you're no fun. It means you don't get any jokes. People laugh at your jokes if your crazy.

Are YOU crazy? Are you that person who comes up with all those hilarious jokes? The person who's fun to be around? In this quiz, you'll know. In a few minutes you'll know.

Created by: Diamond
  1. Ok we're done for today! Did you like this quiz?
  2. You know what? Let's jump off the Empire State Building!!!
  3. I came in like a WREEECKING BAALL!!!
  4. Hakeeeelaaaaaapowaaaaadilllasoupaka
  5. Hi
  6. Hi
  7. Hi
  8. Number 6 flew away. Number 3 wad just kidding.
  9. Do you want to know where Number 6 is?
  10. The quiz is nearly over.
  11. Did you like this quiz?
  12. Will you comment?
  13. Will you rate?
  14. How many stars will you rate
  15. This quiz is over
  16. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy??????