Are you crazy??

Do your friends call you crazy? Are they right? Or are you just not crazy? Don't report this for CRAZYNESS!!! Because I am CRAZY!!! Got that Things!?!?!?

Ok take this quiz and become CRAZY!!! Like me! And little one! Don't forget Catapiller!!!!!!! Help me find my Teddy!!!!!!!!! Plz!!!!!!!!!!! Hello bye

Created by: HELLO
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok before we start I will tell you that I AM CRAZY!! Ok! Cool cool?? And Plz make sure that you a person!! Cool cool?
  2. Ok thing?!?! Do you do a lot of LOL!!'s?
  3. Do your friends say your CRAZy!?!?!?!?!
  4. Do you think this is CrAzY: at school I call one of my friends the little 1. Because he is smaller than me. And I like Pink ponies do you?
  5. Hey there Mate! Want to dance with pa pa? Oh U LIKE TO DANCE!!! OH I LIKE TO DANCE!!! Am I crazy or do I need more craziness
  6. *sob* I lost my teddy bear!!! *sob* help me find him! He's pink no blue no green no black. Me:MUM WHAT IS A TEDDY BEAR?? Mum:you don't have one? Oh right we didn't give you one! Maybe next year when your 20
  7. What dose it spell? The letters are mixed up or just find the word! Moonheadnocrazyyesnopeoplepersonsyescrazyiloveteddysbyebyecoolcoolhellohigoodbye
  8. I want to let know! That I hate you so!! LOL!! The real song is Like this That I love you so!! Oh and it's something like I want to let you know! Am I Super Crazy to ya all
  10. *SOB* I didn't lose my Teddy again! *SOB* i have to say goodbye!! To ya all!!! *SOB* so bye and keep....CRAZY!!!! Or get CRAZY! *Sob* bye. Oh and a special goodbye to Catapiller!!
  11. *SOB* I didn't lose my Teddy again! *SOB* i have to say goodbye!! To ya all!!! *SOB* so bye and keep....CRAZY!!!! Or get CRAZY! *Sob* bye. Oh and a special goodbye to Catapiller!!

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy??