Are you cool quiz

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There are many cool people in the world and they are all spread out around the world and a quiz could let them and you and you sally find out are u cool or a fool?

Are you COOL? Do you have the shades and smile to be cool. Are you popular and stuff. Will you get cool or not, loser or nerd, pizza or apple. WHAT WILL YOU BE?

Created by: camprock
  1. Do you wear ripped jeans?
  2. Do you have a car?
  3. Do you have any tattoos?
  4. Do you wear sunglasses?
  5. How do you wear a backpack?
  6. Do you own a leather jacket?
  7. What music do you like?
  8. What do you do in your spare time?
  9. What do you wear?
  10. What country would you like to visit?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool quiz