Are you cool or what?

This quiz determines how cool you really are. It doesn't matter what other things/people say about you, no matter what, this quiz is right. So, take the quiz already, stop reading this crap.

Don't be offended if you're not cool, just except the fact, and you'll be better off in life any way. Just know that you're not cool if this quiz says so. Hate to break it to you, but it's true.

Created by: Sophia
  1. Do you bully your siblings?
  2. Do you wear sunglasses inside?
  3. Do you wear ripped jeans?
  4. Do you like Twenty One Pilots?
  5. Do you ever lie?
  6. Do you have Airpods?
  7. Do you play an instrument?
  8. Do you think you're cool?
  9. Do you drink tea or coffee?
  10. Do you think your mom and dad are cool?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool or what?
