Are you cool or Geeky?

Hey if your reading this then your about to take the Are you COOL or Geeky? quiz. So before you take the quiz remember you're just having fun no matter what your score is it doesn't mean you are what it says. If you got a geeky score doesn't mean you are a geek and if you got a cool score then you probably are cool!!!

Don't make fun of people who got a bad score on the quiz. Just have fun taking it and make sure you don't cheat on any of the answers. I have a website were you can find more quizzes and polls just like this one and and lot's more... The name of the website is LittleYou just click on the link to your right and it will take you there!!! Enjoy the quiz!!!

Created by: Pietra

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you spend your Saturday nights?
  2. What type hair do you have?
  3. What color hair do you have?
  4. What's your fave type of music?
  5. If you were a superhero who would you be?
  6. What's your fave animal?
  7. True or False do you like Hard Maths?
  8. What's your fave kind o movie?
  9. What's your fave thing to wear?
  10. If you were a teacher what subject would you want to teach?
  11. What do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool or Geeky?