are you controlled by the government

Depending on the resulting score, a different message will be displayed. For example if someone scores between 0% and 16% on the genius quiz, you might want to display the message, "You need to go back to school and do some studying, because your genius score is very low! Hit the books then come back to try again."

Depending on the resulting score, a different message will be displayed. For example if someone scores between 0% and 16% on the genius quiz, you might want to display the message, "You need to go back to school and do some studying, because your genius score is very low! Hthe books then come back to try again."

Created by: me
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have u heard of chemtrails
  2. have u heard of the illuminati
  3. do you wear tin foil hats everywhere you go
  4. do you think the queen of england is reptillian
  5. do you think obama created ebola to wipe out the middle east
  6. do you think tv is a distraction from world events
  7. do you know david icke
  8. leonardo dicaprio is leonardo davinci
  9. do you like reading
  10. jesus

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Quiz topic: Am I controlled by the government