Are you Conservative or Progressive?

In the culture war there are two sides and a side in the middle which rejects both sides. These are Progressives, indifferents (moderates) and conservatives.

Which one of these are you? Are you a left wing, Marxist, social Justice warrior or a right wing, Neo-Confederate Traditionalist. Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. Whites, males, Straights and cisgenders are oppressing blacks, women, gays and transgenders.
  2. On abortion i am
  3. On gay rights I support
  4. The idea of the nation is
  5. Gender is a social construct
  6. I support affirmative action policies
  7. Marijuana should be
  8. Women are being oppressed by men and should reject men’s influence in life and become anti-males
  9. Race is real
  10. We should judge previous humans by
  11. Religion is
  12. We should allow drag queens in kindergarten
  13. White straight cisgender males should feel ashamed that other white straight cisgender males committed slavery.

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Quiz topic: Am I Conservative or Progressive?