Are you compatible with me?

I'm a stranger. You don't know me, and I don't know you. If you've ever wanted a random stranger's opinion on you then this is the quiz for you. Granted, there is a TON of bias in this, so do with that what you will.

I'm not hard to get along with. I only have a few pet peeves, and I'm very forgiving of flaws since I have them myself. I like to think of myself as a very reasonable person. I can't give too much of myself away because it could cause you to change the way you answer these questions. I want you to truly be yourself here. Let's see if we can be friends.

Created by: Idonthaveaname
  1. You told a friend over a month ago that you'd go to the movies with them this weekend, but when you checked your calendar today, you realized you double-booked! You were supposed to also go camping that weekend with another friend. What do you do?
  2. You're tired today and want to skip work. You probably shouldn't, but you really need a mental health day. You have the PTO, but you know you're really needed. On the other hand, you rarely ever miss work. What do you do?
  3. Do you want to go bowling?
  4. Are you led by your feelings or your thoughts?
  5. What do you want to talk about?
  6. There are five boxes you can choose from. First box is full of WW2 memorabilia. Second box is full of clothing that is your size. Third box is a mystery, and you have no idea what's in there. Fourth box is full of margarita mix and tequila. Fifth box holds a truth of the universe that nobody knows. Which box do you choose?
  7. Do you care what I think?
  8. Random question that doesn't effect the quiz results at all: What's your favorite type of pants?
  9. Can you do a handstand?
  10. "The goal is not to escape from reality. The goal is to escape to reality".....Do you agree with this quote?

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Quiz topic: Am I compatible with me?
