Are you Christian

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OMG hi I... can I challenge you to see if you are Christian. OMG yes thanks oh also I can get harsh and some points so do not get offended by something I say if it is offensive

Well the rules are... NO RULES ya great right!!!!!!!! Oh quick it is ten questions long so you should have time ok. Ok it is time to start this quiz!!

Created by: Bella
  1. Ok we can start easy, do you go to church?
  2. That was easy time to go HARD so do you celebrate Christmas and Easter!🤯
  3. What!? That was to easy!? Harder!? OK. Only a true Christian can know this! What day did Jesus rise from the grave.
  4. What is the first book of the Bible
  5. I wanna know this but HOW ARE YOU LIKING THE QUIZ
  6. Half way done will you take my other quiz
  7. How many books of the Bible are there
  8. Do you have a bible
  9. How often do you pray
  10. Last one ... take my other quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I Christian

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