Are you capable of defeating "Sephiroth"?

Everyone know's who Sephiroth is right? He's one of the most popular video game villians around. But do you have what it takes to destroy him? Forget old school Bad guys...Sephiroth is the ultimate.

I don't think any of you will be able to chose the right answere and chose your moves wisley...but if you do....I will be amazed...and shocked. So got ahead!

Created by: (A HUGE Sephiroth fan)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you do if you found out he was trying to conquer the planet?
  2. What is the best weapon to use when your trying to defeat him? (Trick Question)
  3. Besides your weapon of choice, what do you bring along with you just in case?
  4. Let's say he was on top of the Shinra building, what would you do?
  5. When you got to the top what would you say to him?
  6. He lunges towards you, what do you do?
  7. No matter what you do, your swords you press harder? Or give in and let him beat you?
  8. The two of you bounce back and he gives you an oportunity to do whatever you to you use this precious time?
  9. He shouts "Times up!" he goes towards you at full speed, what now?
  10. He's almost dead, what do you do?
  11. His last words are "I will...never be a memory" What does that mean to you?
  12. True or False: Sephiroth has been pestering Cloud and hunting Humanity since 1997?

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Quiz topic: Am I capable of defeating "Sephiroth"?