Are You Bulimic? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Bulimic?
You show 74% bulimic behavior.
You are either in extreme danger of becoming bulimic or already in the early stages of bulimia. Tell a trusted adult and a doctor or nurse, and try to stop bingeing and/or purging. Bulimia is a deadly disease. If you visit "pro-mia" or "pro-ana" sites, remember this: there are healthy ways to lose weight, and developing bulimia or anorexia is not one of them. Healthy diet and exercise will do wonders!
I am well on my way....not good, but like I care...
Barbie871 -
This quiz did not really help because I am showing signs of nonpurging bulimia which no one ever remembers about... Just saying
just took this test because i needed to know for myself. Now I know so i'm going to report myself to my therapist or doctor.
Kaylina1 -
i was pretty much already aware of this..but curious what this quiz would have to say. xD;
You show 100% bulimic behavior.
You are bulimic. If this has not been formerly diagnosed by a doctor (I am not a doctor!), you need to see one as soon as possible. Also talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent/guardian or a teacher. Please, if you are "pro-mia" or "pro-ana", remember this: bulimia and anorexia are not fun or glamourous, they are diseases that can kill you! Seek help immediately before it is too late! You can stop, I believe in you. Good luck.
no_one0 -
im grateful to you for making this quiz. i knew i was showing signs of bulimia. its 49%.. im at risk of being bulimic if not for this quiz, i would not be alter. thank you
91% and I have just found out that im bulimic thanks to this quiz its saved my life qafter going straight to my gp and getting a diagnosis
carly881 -
0% for me!!!!
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