Are you Blister, Blaze, or Burn?

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Hi Wings of Fire fans! Welcome to my quiz! After the death of Queen Oasis, her three daughters are left fighting for the royal throne of the SandWings.

So, in this quiz you can find out which SandWing princess you are. Are you smart like Blister? Are you strong like Burn? Are you charismatic like Blaze? Come find out in this quiz......

Created by: WaveCat
  1. Do you like sports?
  2. Are you the oldest, in the middle, or youngest sibling?
  3. What is your favorite tribe?
  4. You are queen, and you find a sack of treasure in the desert. You...
  5. Are you smart?
  6. How bad do you want to be queen?
  7. Are you a fashionista?
  8. Have you read Wings of Fire?
  9. Who is your favorite prophecy dragonet?
  10. How was this quiz?

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