Are you Black Widow, Captain America, Iron man, Hulk or Dead

This quiz is to tell you who you are Black widow, Captain America, Iron man, Hulk or Deadpool. This quiz has five questions and you will obviously get your answer at the end....

Hop you enjoy this quiz and get who you wanted, also you watch all the marvel movies and you might know which answer belongs to which character... ENJOY!

Created by: I yam a person
  1. What is your most used catch phrase...
  2. Where would you rather be...
  3. Are you...
  4. Do you enjoy...
  5. Who would you rather be...
  6. Do you like marvel?
  7. What does mcu stand for?
  8. Dc or marvel?
  9. When people annoy you, your first instinct is...
  10. Do you like the government?

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Quiz topic: Am I Black Widow, Captain America, Iron man, Hulk or Dead
