Are you Awsome like me?

Well many people out there think they are Awsome. I know I am and i wanted to give everyone else a chance to compair themselfes to me and all my greatness. Now dont feal bad when you see that you cannot possibly be as Awsome as me just do what you can to fix it.

Are you Awsome??? Do you think you are Awsome??? well here is a quiz that will tell you if indeed you are awsome. If you dont want to find out the harsh truth of how truley awsome you are or are not beware becuase this quizz will put it into persopective for you.

Created by: pu$$y
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to party till the sun comes up?
  2. Are you a drinker?
  3. Do you play video games?
  4. Do you like to go fast?
  5. Do you like to go fast...In the Bedroom?
  6. Do you like the Beach?
  7. Have you ever gotten so drunk you said "I will never drink again!"
  8. Do you still come out to play after a hard day at work?
  9. Do you take more than 30 minutes to get ready to go out somewhere?
  10. When someone tells you, "you look good." you say...
  11. Will you be nice to a person that your bf/gf is freinds with even though you dont like them or even hate them and would rather see them BURN IN HELL!!!
  12. Does EVERYONE have your cell number or just your freinds

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Quiz topic: Am I Awsome like me?